Manjaro Guide Help


Here is a list of apps that I use daily. I will try to keep this list updated as I find new apps that I like.


sudo pacman -S --needed zathura zathura-cb zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-ps


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Web Browsers

sudo pacman -S --needed brave-browser firefox firefox-developer-edition libgnome-keyring libsecret

Image Editors

sudo pacman -S --needed gimp gimp-help-en gimp-nufraw gimp-plugin-gmic darktable rawtherapee inkscape


sudo pacman -S --needed conky

Some Distros require a fix for Conky to work properly. If you are using Garuda, you can use the following command to fix it.

sudo mv /etc/xdg/autostart/conky.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/conky.desktop.bak


sudo pacman -S --needed bleachbit


sudo pacman -S --needed spotify-launcher zenity


sudo pacman -S --needed appimagelauncher


sudo pacman -S --needed linux-headers virtualbox-guest-iso virtualbox virtualbox-host-dkms


sudo pacman -S --needed obs-studio

Screen Recorder

sudo pacman -S --needed kooha

Citrix Workspace

From AUR repository:

sudo pamac install icaclient

You have to create '$HOME/.ICAClient/cache' for each user who uses this program and then populate it with the appropriate ini files.

mkdir -p $HOME/.ICAClient/cache cp /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/config/{All_Regions,Trusted_Region,Unknown_Region,canonicalization,regions}.ini $HOME/.ICAClient/

From the official website:

  1. Download the tarball package from the official website.

  2. Extract the contents of the .tar.gz file into an empty directory.

cd ~/.tmp tar -xvzf linuxx64-
  1. Run the setup program with sudo and follow its prompts carefully. Say yes to all the prompts but to App Protection unless you need it.

sudo ./setupwfc
  1. If you have previously installed GStreamer, you can choose whether to integrate GStreamer with the Citrix Workspace app and support HDX MediaStream Multimedia Acceleration. To integrate Citrix Workspace app with GStreamer, type y at the prompt.

  1. After the installation is complete, you can start the Citrix Workspace app from the application menu.

How to uninstall Citrix Workspace app

To uninstall the Citrix Workspace app, run the following command:

cd ~/.tmp sudo ./setupwfc

When the setup program starts, type 2 and press Enter to remove the client.

JetBrains Toolbox

sudo pamac install jetbrains-toolbox


Install Waydroid from the AUR repository:

sudo pamac install waydroid

Once the installation is completed, you need to make sure the waydroid-container service has started:

systemctl status waydroid-container

You can enable it to start at boot time:

sudo systemctl enable --now waydroid-container

Then launch Waydroid from the application menu and follow the first-launch wizard.

If prompted, use the following links for System OTA and Vendor OTA:

Install Google apps:

sudo waydroid init -s GAPPS

The network should work out of the box. If it's not working, you might need to make sure packet forwarding is enabled in kernel and allow the following rules through your firewall before running Waydroid session start.

Taking ufw as an example:

  • DNS traffic needs to be allowed:

sudo ufw allow 67 sudo ufw allow 53
  • Packet forwarding needs to be allowed:

sudo ufw default allow FORWARD

Make the following changes to the Waydroid configuration file:

sudo vim /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid_base.prop
ro.hardware.gralloc=default ro.hardware.egl=swiftshader

Then restart the Waydroid container service:

sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container

How to start Waydroid from the console

waydroid session start waydroid show-full-ui

How to install an APK from the console

Launch the Waydroid shell:

sudo waydroid shell
waydroid app install `/path/to/apk`

Get a list of installed applications:

waydroid app list

Launch an app:

waydroid app launch <package-name>

How to stop Waydroid from the console:

waydroid session stop;sudo waydroid container stop
Last modified: 15 August 2024