Dev Tools
The latest OpenJDK
OpenJDK 17
OpenJDK 11
OpenJDK 8
For other versions, like Oracle and Zulu, you will have to do the installation manually. Download the desired version and unpack it in /usr/lib/jvm
Setting the default Java version
The helper script archlinux-java provides such functionalities:
List compatible Java environments installed
Changing the default Java version
Unsetting the default Java environment
There should be no need to unset a Java environment as packages providing them should take care of this. Still, should you want to do so, just use command unset:
Fixing the default Java environment
If an invalid Java environment link is set, calling the archlinux-java fix command tries to fix it. Also note that if no default Java environment is set, this will look for valid versions and try to set it for you. Officially supported package “OpenJDK 8” will be considered first in this order, then other installed environments.
MySQL - MySQL Workbench
To install MySQL, choose MariaDB:
Verify the installation:
Enable and start the MySQL service:
If the following error is prompted:
Run the following command:
The output should be similar to this:
Now, try enabling and starting the MySQL service again
Create a soft-link to the required library:
Change root’s predefined password:
Sometimes it can throw an error depending on the mysql version. When that happens, run the following:
Upgrading MYSQL-MariaDB
Stop the service:
Open a new terminal window and run:
To kill the service, we need to find the PID:
Then kill the process, run this command for every PID listed:
Now, start the service:
Install the required packages:
Install plug-ins:
Install Docker from the official repositories:
After installing Docker CE, start and enable the Docker Daemon.
Check the version of the Docker package to confirm it was successfully installed.
The output should be like this:
Configuring Docker for Non-Root User
To enable your user account to access and manage docker without administrative privileges, we will add the account to the docker group
Verify that your account is in the docker group
Try running a Docker command without sudo