First Steps
On a fresh install
Update mirrors database and upgrade the system.
sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu
Install packages from backup files
To install the packages from the backup list, use the following commands:
For the main repository:
sudo pacman -S --needed - < pkglist
For the AUR repository:
cat aur-pkglist | xargs -I {} pamac build {}
Install important dependencies
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel wget curl nano mercurial make hidapi dnsmasq vim dialog meson sane samba gawk lsp-plugins lsp-plugins-docs mda.lv2 calf qjournalctl yay qt5pas libappindicator-gtk3 openssh xorg-xhost smartmontools nvme-cli deja-dup zenity cmake gvfs qt5-wayland eog lib32-glibc alsa-lib gst-plugins-base-libs gtk2 libc++ libc++abi libidn11 libjpeg6-turbo libpng12 libsecret libsoup libvorbis libxaw libxp openssl speex webkit2gtk libc++ xerces-c apparmor qt5-svg git git-sizer git-repair git-revise git-filter-repo libva-vdpau-driver sndio v4l2loopback-dkms qt5-wayland qt6-wayland shellcheck act actionlint
Install essential utilities
sudo pacman -S --needed gparted grsync corectrl easyeffects font-manager shotwell terminator discord conky transmission-gtk frotz-ncurses bitwarden filezilla paperwork openshot gedit netstat-nat
manjaro-pipewire pipewire-jack pipewire-v4l2 pipewire-docs realtime-privileges wireplumber tree vsftpd dconf-editor zsh zsh-doc lsd awesome-terminal-fonts nerd-fonts tmux python-pyflakes python-dotenv
TRIM (only on SSD)
sudo systemctl enable --now fstrim.timer
systemctl status fstrim.timer
sudo pacman -S --needed timeshift timeshift-autosnap-manjaro
Enable auto-snapshots
Check the service status first:
systemctl status cronie
Enable and start the service if necessary:
sudo systemctl enable --now cronie.service
Last modified: 15 August 2024