From the official repository
From NVM (Node Version Manager)
To install or update nvm, run one of the following commands:
Check nvm version:
Important Commands
If you want to use the system-installed version of node, you can use the following command:
To see the version of the system-installed node:
Listing installed versions:
List available remote versions:
Install the desired version:
Open a new terminal window and set the default version:
Now you can check the version:
Get Python for official repositories:
How to use it
List of virtual environments created:
Create a virtual environment (all command line options except -a, -i, -r, and -h are passed directly to virtualenv, so you can use -p to select a Python version):
Activate the virtual environment:
Install some package inside the virtual environment (say, Django):
Once you are done, deactivate the virtual environment:
To delete a virtual environment:
amdfan is a fork of amdgpu-fan, with security updates and added functionality. This is intended for stand-alone GPU's and not integrated APU's.
From the AUR, already configured for Manjaro (might be outdated):
Install amdfan in a virtual environment and set it up:
Paste the following content in /etc/amdfan.yml. This allows you to configure the settings before running it as a daemon.
Now we set up the systemd service:
Confirm that it has been installed in $HOME/.virtualenvs/amdfan/bin
and not in /usr/bin
with the following command:
Make all home directories executable by main group members:
If it is in '/usr/lib/bin', create a symbolic link to '/usr/bin':
Now we enable and start the service:
If we make changes to the configuration file, we need to make systemd aware of the changes:
Then we need to restart the service:
To check the status of the service:
How to install
If you skipped the step Install important dependencies, go back and get them. Some are essential for the installation of HeadsetControl.
At this point we can only access the application with root. To fix this, we need a udev rule.
Access without sudo
On Linux, you need udev rules if you don't want to start the application with root permissions. Those rules are generated via headsetcontrol -u
. During the last step of the installation process make install
generates and writes them automatically to /etc/udev/rules.d/
You can reload udev configuration without a reboot via: